About Me ...

Welcome to Cut The Clutter!
My name is Marietta and how you stumbled upon my blog is unknown to me, but I do hope you’ll stay for awhile.  
I was born and raised in Montreal,Canada where hockey is practically religion, there’s just no escaping the hockey obsessed fans...GO HABS GO!.  I would say that hockey and winter are part of Canadian culture. Any”Montrealer” can tell you about the unbearable winters, religiously waiting to see when the next snow storm will hit.
{Fact: Canadian’s love to brag about the cold, can you tell? :) }
I decided to pack my bags and move my life across the Mediterranean Sea, straight to Jerusalem, Israel.  “Why Israel?” you shout. Well what better place to get to know yourself than living in the place of your ancestors, Right?!?
 I did inevitably experience some culture shock (seeing as how we Canadians are so darn polite, whereas Israelis have banned the word from their dictionary ;)), but I made some adjustments and enjoying myself.
In short: Self Growth
I spend my free time dreaming of constantly challenging myself, to grow as a person.  I do believe that we are all searching our individual paths, to conquer our fears in order to become who we are truly meant to be and I’m on my way to doing just that.
Join me will ya?


I truly believe that it's important to create a vision for your life, to be clear and specific about what you want. I make sure to make my vision compelling and make it "unrealistic" as possible, my dreams don't have limits, because my potential is endless. The life I know I will create is within my reach, i'm completely responsible for my destiny. Here is the vision of my life as I know it will be, please feel free to share your dreams and passions and make sure to place it where you can see it on a daily basis and make sure to create goals that match up with your life's vision and don't forget to review it. 

In no particular order, here goes ...

  • Someone who impacts and inspires people worldwide through by blog by demonstrating my creativity, compassion, honesty, perseverance and resilience. 
  • To be completely fulfilled, happy and passionate.
  • To focus on and do I what I love.
  • Become financially free in order to have the power to do all the things I would love to do and work only because I want to.
  • To own an amazing apartment in the middle of Tel Aviv, with a dance studio, a beautiful reading corner and a home gym.
  • To have travelled the word.
  • To be grateful on a daily basis.
  • Incredible friendships and family life.
  • To be spiritual and connected to the universe I came out of and reverence for nature and all living things.
  • To grow and evolve who I am to my maximum potential by facing anything that scares the living crap out of me.
  • To make my body the number one priority as it is the vehicle that moves me and provides me with energy and aliveness. 
  • Salsa Dance is always apart of my life, it gives me the freedom to be exactly who I am in that moment.
  • I'm physically fit and express myself through fashion and look my best to reflect the way I feel on the inside.
  • To be a successful visual merchandiser who creates magnificent eye catching displays/ designs which in turns helps other businesses flourish.
  • To have attracted an incredibly loving, honest, passionate man with whom I can constantly grow and spend the rest of my life with. 
